
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Minecraft Modes

Hi! Today we will talk about  Minecraft mods!

The world of Minecraft mods has never been richer. From tech, to magic, to nature, there's so many ways to expand your in-game experience in exciting ways. Below, you'll find what I reckon are the best Minecraft mods available today. Almost all of them require an older version of the game to play—usually version, and quite a few also require the Forge modloader or other files. Follow the installation instructions carefully, and you'll be fine.
They're all brilliant on their own, of course, but it's worth noting that they might conflict with each other a bit if you try and install several at once. If you do struggle with that or other issues, consider trying a preconfigured modpack out instead—the launchers provided by Feed the Beast and the Technic Platform are one of the easiest ways to quickly and cleanly get playing modded Minecraft.
Now, without further ado, let's get started.



Minecraft doesn't scale too well to the power of fast or slow machines. It runs surprisingly poorly on low-end laptops, and a high-end rig can't do much with its extra oomph. Enter Optifine—a mod that not only makes Minecraft run faster but also look far better. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting, and more, and framerate doubling is not uncommon. It's one of the first things I usually add when installing Minecraft. Grab it here.

Twilight Forest


Love adventuring? This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, then spend a while roaming around. You'll find hedge mazes, hollow hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, lich towers and more with rich rewards for those that delve the deepest. Grab it here.

Biomes O'Plenty


Since the 'Update That Changed The World' in late 2013, there's been a bit more diversity in Minecraft worlds. But Biomes O'Plenty adds vastly more—75 to be exact—from brushland and coral reefs, through lavender fields and ominous woods, to tundra and wasteland. You'll need to create a new world to use it (make sure to select the 'Biomes O'Plenty' world generation option), but it's worth it to see corners of Minecraft that you've never seen before. Grab it here.



Some mods add powerful magical items. Others add intricate machinery. Botania just adds flowers—but wow, what flowers. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that turn hostile mobs against each other. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, and did I mention that you've can also use flowers to create a magical portal to a world of elves? If you want to try something wildly different from most other mods, Botania is it. Grab it here.

Inventory Tweaks, NotEnoughItems & Waila


This trio of mods are essential quality-of-life improvements, especially when you've got loads of mods installed at the same time. Inventory Tweaks allows you to sort your chests with a single click and automatically replace tools when they break. NotEnoughItems provides you with a searchable list of all the blocks available in the game, and the recipes for crafting them, and Waila lets you point your cursor at an unfamiliar blocks to find out what it is. Grab them herehere and here respectively.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Minecraft PE 0.16.0

Hi! Today I will talk about Minecraft PE 0.16.0.

Minecraft PE is in phones.I have MCPE 0.16.0.Well its not too bad but it's not too good.

In MCPE 0.16.0 are not many updates there are some new mobs and there are added commands that is all what is added in MCPE 0.16.0

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Top 3 Minecraft Skins

Hi. Today i will talk about Top 3 Minecraft Skins

Image result for top 3 minecraft skins

Image result for top 3 minecraft skins

.Image result for bajancanadian skin

Top 3 ResoursePacks

Hi!! Today i will talk about Top 5 ResourcePacks let's start.


Top 3 Minecraft houses

Hi! Welcome back. Today i will talk about Top 3 Minecraft houses!!

This is first house.Its cool Who i dont know who created it but he worked a lot on it and it is Very COOOL
Image result for minecraft best houses ever builtImage result for minecraft best houses ever built
This is second house.I would live there. it is so Good!!!!Image result for minecraft best houses ever built

This is Third house.It looks good.but it is scarry not to fall off.

Image result for minecraft best houses ever built

Top 5 Youtubers who plays Minecraft

Hi. Today i will talk about Top 5 Youtubers who plays Minecraft


Top 5 Minecraft 1.11 Best servers

Hi! Wlecome back. Today i will talk about  Top 5 Minecraft 1.11 Best servers!!

I play all this servers and i enjoy them so much!

Story about Herobrine

Hi! Welcome back.Today i will talk about Herobrine.
Herobrine (About this sound /ˈhæ roˌbraɪn/ (IPA key) ʜᴀʀʀ-oh-ʙʀᴇʏᴇɴ (respell key)) is the subject of a community-made creepypasta. He is one of the major community icons of Minecraft. Herobrine has not been present in any version of Minecraft.
"Canon" of Herobrine is widely regarded as the first image/story ever posted about Herobrine, as well as the Brocraft stream. Anything posted after these two events are considered as fanmade adaptions/variations

Is Herobrine in Minecraft?

Herobrine is not in Minecraft.
There are no references to him at all in the source code, and there is no code to allow for any entity to act like Herobrine. There is no level terrain code to generate 2×2 tunnels or elaborate dungeons with traps.
There is no possible way Herobrine can ever exist in any unmodded clients or servers. Any claims that he is in Minecraft are completely false. Any appearances he may have are caused by mods being installed.
All signs of Herobrine, like trees with no leaves, random glowstone towers, suspicious messages on signs, etc. are either glitches, formatted naturally, or placed by another player to mislead you.
The Minecraft Wiki and Forums do not partake in any viral Herobrine hoax. Any deletion of Herobrine-related comments or stories are purely because Herobrine does not exist, and the stories are either fictional, with an intent to mislead others, or the result of users playing mods installed on their game (possibly without their knowledge).
From the original creepy-pasta, Herobrine creates random constructions, such as sand pyramids in oceans and long 2×2 tunnels. He also cuts off all the leaves from trees.
Herobrine first appeared in a single image detailing an encounter. It was posted on the 4chan's /v/ board, and gained very little attention. It stated how Herobrine had appeared in someone's single-player game, littering the map with various pyramids and tunnels. It is the first media to name him as Herobrine.
It was only later that Herobrine grew in popularity, when the Brocraft streamer "Copeland" photoshopped Herobrine into several screenshots to show to his chat. He had recently taken a liking to the story, and wished to be a part of it. After getting largely good reactions, he decided to stage a hoax. He has explained exactly how that took place in an email.[1]
Copeland had played through the world as a normal lets-player would, deliberately avoiding the work-in-progress room he had set up for the hoax. Herobrine was introduced to the stream here (at 20:45). He is confirmed to be a retextured painting. Copeland then screamed and ran out of the room, promptly ending the stream.

After a while, Copeland removed the painting and reverted to normal textures. He proceeded to stream further, pretending to be scared. He announced that he would delete the world to never meet Herobrine again.
Later on, Patimuss made a video showing Herobrine in a user-made lava field. This Herobrine was free-standing, unlike the previous video. Due to this, it is likely he was a retextured door. The livestream went down after Patimuss ran away and saved his game, only to resume , where Herobrine had disappeared.
Later on, during the second stream, Patimuss can be heard talking to his wife, stating he was trolling. This flooded the livestream chat with outrage. He then faked a game crash. Copeland disliked that Patimuss outed Herobrine as a fake.
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP.
The message keeps telling the viewer to "wake up", implying they're living in a fantasy world, and this text hidden in the page is their "note". The above text is from another creepypasta, entitled "Wake Up".
The stream proceeded later with no further Herobrine sightings. Copeland continued to adamantly state Herobrine was real for about a year onwards. The wiki asked Copeland several questions regarding the event, which are located here.
Since the stream, there has been a huge increase in his popularity, propelling Herobrine to meme status, and making him an icon of the community. There are several mods, animations, pieces of artwork and constructions of Herobrine that have been created.

Minecraft 1.11

Hi! My name is Nika today i will talk about Minecraft 1.11.
In Minecraft 1.11 is added Totem of undying.It helps me a lot.You can find it in pyramids. once i found it and then i went to the End so it helped me there i defeated the ender dragon and got elytra.
I will talk about minecraft 1.10 in next blog.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016